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Unión de Selvicultores del Sur de Europa


Specialists analyzed carbon markets based on sustainable forest management during the summer courses at the UIK (UPV-EHU)

20 / 09 / 2024

The summer course of the UIK (UPV-EHU) “Carbon markets based on sustainable forest management” organized by the USSE and Basoa Fundazioa, gathered at the Miramar Palace in San Sebastian a group of specialists who analyzed the implication of forests against global warming and discussed, among other aspects, the possibility of implementing carbon markets in the Basque Country.

One of the main points of interest of the meeting was the Basoko Sistema project, which has developed a methodological framework for the certification of carbon additionality derived from sustainable forest management.

The voluntary market to be created in the Basque Country is promoted by the Confederation of Foresters of the Basque Country through Basoa Fundazioa, and with the technical support of the Public University of Valencia and the UPV/EHU, the IT company Elkarmedia and PEFC Spain.

In this regard, Aitor Onaindia, technical director of Basoa Fundazioa, believes that “the implementation of markets is necessary. We must know what kind of help forests can offer both in climate change and in the increase of carbon in the atmosphere, and use markets to implement them in society. We have to analyze what it means, what opportunities it offers, obstacles and, as an exercise, try to find out how to apply all this in the Basque Country”.

Laura Blanco, a biologist from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, explained the main lines of her work on the Reforest project, based on quantifying the carbon absorption that can be achieved through forest masses and finding out how to encourage this through forest management. In his opinion, “it is important to choose a good calculation methodology, that the figures are real and that they are finally taken to the field”.

The certifying body PEFC Spain was represented in the course by Esperanza Carrillo, responsible for CSR and New Markets, who referred to Basoko Sistema as “a project that has allowed us to learn and take the first steps to implement our line of work of measurement and certification of ecosystem services such as carbon. It is necessary to respond to the market and what better way than from the forestry sector”.

For Inmaculada Astorkiza, researcher in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics at the UPV-EHU, “it is necessary that the additional effort made by the producer to obtain a greater amount of CO2 produces a small contribution of income and that the companies that are going to buy these absorptions compensate part of their emissions and that they have a social and corporate social responsibility recognition”.


The IT company Elkarmedia is involved in the development of the “carbon calculator”, which focuses on providing an accurate and detailed estimate of the carbon accumulated in the different components of the forest ecosystem. Its CEO, José Antonio Sudupe, stated that “the calculator works perfectly and is integrated with an assistant so that the forestry technician can use the tool easily. It could be developed in a short period of time”.

Climate change and prospects

Also participating in the course were Ricardo Francisco García Herrera, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the Complutense University of Madrid; Rafael Calama Sainz, Senior Scientist in the Department of Dynamics and Management of Forest Systems of the Institute of Forest Sciences of INIA_CSIC; the scientist and consultant Alicia Ledo; and Hortense Wiart, representative of French forest owners.

Francisco García Herrera warned that “we must be prepared in the coming decades to face phenomena related to climate change from two perspectives: minimizing impacts and reducing emissions”.

Regarding the vulnerability of forests to global warming, Rafael Calama said that “we must achieve a forest condition that is adapted to the new climatic conditions and try to achieve the maximum possible ecosystem services from this management”.

Alicia Ledo referred to carbon storage by forest masses and stressed that “carbon markets are beginning to function. The forestry sector has a great opportunity to value and give the idea that the bio-managed forest can store carbon”.

Finally, Hortense Wiart, representative of French forest ownership, made a presentation on “Aspects to review of carbon markets”, referring especially to the voluntary markets and the crisis of confidence they suffered during 2022 and 2023, and to the requirements and conditions for carbon certification that are being developed at European level in the light of existing frameworks.

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